
Saturday 1 December 2012

Editing photos and images

1st December 2012:
This afternoon I have edited over 200 photos which will be in the first section of the film. I have used Adobe photoshop to edit these images and focused mainly on using black and white and filters such as film grain. Here are some examples of the editing I have done for the 1920's section of the film:

I also spent time looking at different filters for the other decades in the production, here are my ideas:





Costume & Screen shots

The project required us to us shoes as props/costumes. These are the stills of the shoes we used for the piece.

1920's shoes

1930's flapper girl shoes

1940's wartime shoes

1950's glamour shoes

1960's rock and roll shoes

1970's hippie shoes

1980's glam rock shoes

1990's girl band shoes
Stills from the shoot
We met on the 29th of November to shoot our production. This required using a DLSR camera, numerous costumes (above), a dancer (me) and music that we had specifically selected for the production.

Timetable of Meetings September-December 2012

09/10/2012: Project ideas; we arranged to meet with a mind map or page of ideas to discuss. We formed the basic ideas of what style we liked and did not like and got to know one another in the group to find out what each of us was good at. 

17/10/2012: Writing of proposal. 

19/10/2012: Project proposal finalised and submitted.

13/11/2012: Met to make a decision on our project. After a thoughtful consideration we decided to concentrate a single character to build our story. We also decided  for each person to handle an aspect of the project. 

15/11/2012: Music for project selected by Louisa. Shoe selection done by Jessica, emails sent out for a dancer  and studio space by Martha.

22/11/2012: We had not managed to shoot as at week 10 due to unavailability of space. We however made a final decision to shoot in Jessica's flat the next week

28/11/2012:  Shooting and editing.

Personal aims for the coming weeks:

By 07/12/12: Have all 2000 photos edited in Adobe photoshop suite, using different filters and alterations to give each decade a different 'look'.