Narrative theories I could apply to my group project:
His theory consists of three simple rules which make up most narrative structures and have been used for years to define between a narrative and a non narrative.
He said that one must start with an equilibrium, a setting where there are no problems and everyone is going about their everyday lives (that is normal to the context).
What proceeds this is an upset of the equilibrium (a problem) this then becomes a disequilibrium.
Once the problem has been sorted out, the equilibrium is restored back to how it was at the start of the narrative.
Propp had a few theories that related to the narrative of the media text. For one, he said that there were different types of 'character' within the story, and these characters relates back to old fairytales. The characters are as follow
The villain
The donor
The helper
The princess
The father figure
The dispatcher
These characters are nearly almost present in films and other media texts with a narrative.